A Day in YOUR Life

You know showing your social media audience a day in your life builds credibility. The problem is, getting it set up seems like a chore. And you have enough of those. A group of social media experts is making it easy to document your world on June 2nd. You'll have just what you need to shine a light on the most important person in your feed - you!

“Document Don’t Create?” Uh, no thanks.

“Document don’t create” is the adage that social media big wig Gary Vaynerchuk would tout. According to him, all you had to do was show people the work that you were doing as you were doing it and audiences would naturally gravitate towards you on social media.

This idea sounds awesome and Gary Vee’s audience exploded during this era. I mean, at the time, he had hired a cameraman to follow him around filming his day and making short films about it.

I don’t know about you. But, um, well? I’m not about to hire someone to film me all day long. But, if I try to “document don’t create” myself, then I’m constantly taking myself out of what I’m doing to take pictures of myself and post them. It’s hard to get in the flow.

So, most days, you can feel like there’s this great opportunity that you just can’t make happen.

But, what if there were one day that you did make it happen?

What if there were one day where you would shine a light on the work that you do, and the way that you do it. The places in your neighborhood, the tasks you take on, and the amazing people you meet along the way.

And then you did that once a year. That seems manageable, right?

Thought so.

June 2nd A Day In the Life

Friday, June 2nd, could be that day for you. A bunch of social media marketers have banded together to highlight what a day in their lives looks like and we’re asking you to join us (whether you’re in marketing or not).

Start your day with a run? Post about it.

Dropping off your kids at school? Post about it.

Having a lunch meeting? Post about it.

Sitting writing for an hour? Post about it.

The date comes from the Beatles Song “A Day in the Life,” which was released in the US on June 2nd. But, musical geekdoms aside, all of us participating knew that if it wasn’t on our calendars it wouldn’t happen. So that day is as good of a day as any.

On June 2nd, you can follow #June2day and keep up with:

Danielle Bornowski, DQB Strategies

Ciri Fenzel, The Marketing Concierge

Charity Keller

Dawn Neldon, UNCMN Creative

Julia Block Pearson, Stratos Creative Marketing

Annie Schiffmann, Downstage Media

Each of us, myself included, is excited to share what makes us unique, and find out how others go about solving their clients’ problems.

How it’s gonna work

There are no rules to how #June2day is going to work, but we are all StoryBrand certified Guides, which means that we love a framework and a three-step process. So, here’s how you can be a part of it.

  1. Put it on your calendar.

  2. Check out our shot list to get some ideas flowing about what you’re going to post on your Instagram Story / Twitter feed / or Facebook Page.

  3. Use #June2Day so we can find you and throw some love your way

Then, during the course of the day, check-in and find out how others are spending their day. You may be inspired, entertained, or learn something new!

Get a Head Start with Our Shot List

So come on and join in on June 2nd!  And, yes, we know that you have a lot going on (#understatement). Our Day in the Life Shot List will make it easy for you so you won’t have to come up with the content yourself (we’re all social media people, so coming up with content is kind of our thing).   

Here’s a Shot List with some ideas:

  • Morning routine (things that set you up for success) 

  • Client work (time-lapse) 

  • Breaks/Personal glimpse (ie: I go outside and check on my chickens when I need a stretch break)

  • Celebration of a win for a client/customer  (screenshot of what you worked on, high-fiving camera because it was 💯, a screenshot of a client quote, etc.) 

  • Creative work (video of you brainstorming or working outside your workspace)

  • Shot from meeting 

  • Shot of your computer

  • Shot of your beverages


  • Save all your stories to a highlight called “A Day in the Life”

  • Pull your snippets and create a Reel that you can save as a pinned post 

Shine a Light on the Most Important Person in Your Feed - You 

Here’s the deal: you work hard. Really hard. And most time you don’t give yourself enough credit for that. By spending a day documenting the work that you do, the people you help, and the support you give, you can reinvigorate yourself. In the meantime, your followers will see how dedicated you are to the people in your life. 

It will help:

  • Strengthen relationships with your current followers

  • Nurture prospects

  • Reassure current clients

  • Help new people find you.

We know that getting a peek behind the curtain is fun for so many aspects of small businesses. So be a part of A Day in the Life on Friday, June 2nd, 2023.

See you June 2nd! #June2Day

Want a reminder email? Sign up for a #June2Day reminder email!


Annie Figenshu

Annie Figenshu is keenly aware that many companies are pressed for time, and every minute counts. She helps brands make the most of their email and social media marketing so that their hard work is shared with the world. Annie is certified in both StoryBrand and Mailchimp, has two kids with Beatles-themed names, and is afraid to think what a day without coffee would look like.

LinkedIn: Annie Figenshu


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