Curate Content and Reclaim Your Time

Curate Content and Reclaim Your Time

Creating social media content on your social media channels can be very time consuming. But if you don't have regular content going out in your feeds, you could lose audience. Learn what curated content is, the benefits of using it, and how to find the best sources for your needs. You'll be able to reclaim time you previously spent creating content - time you can now spend on more important things.

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Will the Marketing Mentorship Work for Me? Warning Signs it Won’t
Do It Yourself, Downstage Media Annie Figenshu Do It Yourself, Downstage Media Annie Figenshu

Will the Marketing Mentorship Work for Me? Warning Signs it Won’t

The Marketing Mentorship that Downstage offers is a great DIY option for some people: there are online classes paired with 1-on-1 coaching. But… it’s not for everyone. No one wants to feel like they’ve put time, money, and effort into something that isn’t worthwhile. This blog post will lay out some red flags that will help you decide if this option is right for your brand.

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Signs The Messaging is Unclear in Your Business

Signs The Messaging is Unclear in Your Business

Messaging is one of those vague marketing terms that gets thrown around quite a bit. But if you aren’t sure what it is, then how can you know if your brand needs to strengthen it? Let’s dive into this concept and discuss the signs that a company’s message is confusing its audience. Get this right and you’ll make it considerably easier to do business with you.

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What Costs are There with Downstage Media’s Marketing Mentorship?

What Costs are There with Downstage Media’s Marketing Mentorship?

The prices for online courses and coaching programs varies wildly - with some as low as $47 and others are high as $5000. So when you’re considering an online course and a coaching program, it’s important to know what’s in store, and how it compares to other comparable courses. Downstage Media has partnered with Business Made Simple to offer a suite of online courses and a marketing mentorship as well. Here’s what you can expect to pay, and what is included, and how it compares in the marketplace.

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How to: Upload and Label Files in Google Drive

How to: Upload and Label Files in Google Drive

When you’re first creating and storing social media content, it can be a little overwhelming. Often there are so many different platforms to get to know - between the social media channel itself, a third party tool that you’re using to schedule the content, and how to store the files themselves. On the flip side, if you don’t do anything, you will find that your storage quickly fills up and your images and videos are all over the place. When it comes time to reuse them, if you’re not organized it becomes a huge hassle. Here you’ll find a simple, low-tech way to organize and store your social media files.

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