What the StoryBrand Marketing Livestream Does and Doesn’t Include

You may be surprised by what you do and don’t get from attending the StoryBrand Marketing Livestream. I’m going to lay out here exactly what you can expect so that you know what is taken care of for you and what you have to take care of on your own. This will also help you gauge how the livestream will work with your own skills, timing, and budget.

What is the StoryBrand Marketing Livestream

The StoryBrand Marketing Livestream is a two day online class that happens a few times a year. The basic ticket costs $995 and can go up to $1995 based on the package that you choose. (more on that in a second). In the Livestream you learn a story-based framework for marketing. It’s taught by Donald Miller, Dr. J.J. Peterson and other members of the StoryBrand team. You learn each individual part of the framework and then break out into small groups to create the messaging for your company in a cohesive document called a BrandScript. After that, you work on your company’s elevator pitch. Then, you learn how to use that framework in various aspects of your marketing to build a sales funnel that brings in and nurtures leads, turning them into sales. Finally, Donald Miller will give feedback on some attendees’ websites in a masterclass format.

Companies from all industries and of all sizes take this workshop and are matched up with a StoryBrand Certified Guide.

Everyone who attends the StoryBrand Marketing Livestream goes home with a BrandScript, a one-liner (an elevator pitch, basically), and a 5-step plan for their marketing.

To optimize the experience, though, there are a few packages that Downstage Media has put together for its clients.

What are the different packages for the Livestream?

Besides the basic StoryBrand Marketing Livestream ticket, there are two other options.

StoryBrand Marketing Livestream

One ticket to the 2-day workshop.

Annie’s VIP Experience


  • Smaller breakout sessions with Certified StoryBrand Guide, Annie Schiffmann

  • Your website reviewed by Annie after the workshop

  • Access to the 2-Day Workshop ($2995 value)

Annie’s VIP Experience Plus


  • (5) 45-min private coaching sessions with Certified StoryBrand Guide, Annie Schiffmann after the workshop

  • Smaller breakout sessions with Certified StoryBrand Guide, Annie Schiffmann

  • Your website reviewed by Annie after the workshop

  • Access to the 2-Day Workshop ($2995 value)

Here’s What You Don’t Get - Marketing Assets

With the StoryBrand Marketing Livestream you get an incredible amount of information and training. And with the Enhanced and VIP versions, you get additional bonuses that will help kick start the marketing plan that the StoryBrand Livestream lays out for you.

Here’s the thing, though, here’s what you don’t get.

You don’t get someone who will do the work for you. It’s almost like Hello Fresh. When you get a meal kit from Hello Fresh, they give you the ingredients, they give you the recipe, they even give you hints along the way. But what they don’t do is make the meal for you.

You still have to take the time to make the meal itself. Yes, because Hello Fresh has done the meal planning, shopping, and portioning out for you already, your time is cut significantly, but nonetheless, if you don’t have the time to cook the meal, you’re not going to get to eat it.

(Now is a good time to point out that I don’t get paid from Hello Fresh. I’ve used their service, and just think it’s a good metaphor.)

So with the StoryBrand Marketing Livestream, you get a great framework, a plan, and someone to work through that plan with you (me), but I won’t be creating the email campaign, or making the social media posts.

The question then is, do you have the skills to do that? Do you know how to set up an automated email campaign? Do you know how to change the home page on your website? If you don’t know how to do those things, then implementing your marketing plan - even with me by your side to help - is going to be very difficult. Not to worry, once you get to that point, I can take over from there and we can discuss budget, timeline, and deliverables.

Another Issue with the StoryBrand Marketing Livestream - Timing

Timing is an important aspect of the StoryBrand Marketing Livestream. The Livestream is only offered about 4-5 times a year. It’s recorded, but if you’ve ever taken an improv class before, you know how important it is to actually attend some classes. The two days of the Livestream are much like that. You’ve really got to be there to get the most out of it, and it is only offered at certain times of the year. (See when the next StoryBrand Marketing Livestream is happening)

You’ll want to take a look at when the Livestream is offered, if you can clear your calendar for those two days, and - if you’ve signed up for Annie’s VIP Experience Plus - if you can devote the next 45 days to implementing what you’ve learned.

So if the timing of when they are offered doesn’t work for you, then you’ll have to look at some other options to work on your marketing - like Downstage Media’s Marketing Mentorship option (for those with more time and less budget) and Downstage Media’s Done For You option (for those with more budget and less time).

Different Options Based on Your Time, Budget, and Skills

So, if you’re asking yourself if the StoryBrand Marketing Livestream is going to benefit you, then it’s really a question of what your skills are, what your timing looks like, and what your budget is.

  • If you want to attend the Livestream and it doesn’t matter who get you teamed up with as a facilitator, then the StoryBrand Marketing Livestream is your best bet.

  • If you have the skills to create marketing assets like emails, automations, and social media posts, and you need to make sure you’re doing the StoryBrand part of it right, Annie’s VIP Experience Plus is going to be a great option for you.

  • If you know that in 45 days you will have the time to attend the two day StoryBrand Marketing Livestream and then work with me to get your marketing in shape, then this is a great option for you. Especially because you usually have ample time to sign up and prepare your calendar accordingly.

If you’re still not sure, you can take the StoryBrand Marketing Assessment. In this 10-minute quiz you’ll find out what your marketing is missing, plus options for how to fill in those blanks that are at different price points to fit your budget.

Imagine Pushing Reset on Your Entire Marketing Strategy - in Just 2 days

With the StoryBrand Marketing Livestream you can learn how to tell the story of your brand using a proven framework to increase sales, subscriptions, and sign ups. In only forty-eight hours you’ll be floored by what you can accomplish in order to spread the word about your work.


Annie Figenshu

Annie Figenshu is keenly aware that many companies are pressed for time, and every minute counts. She helps brands make the most of their email and social media marketing so that their hard work is shared with the world. Annie is certified in both StoryBrand and Mailchimp, has two kids with Beatles-themed names, and is afraid to think what a day without coffee would look like.

LinkedIn: Annie Figenshu


What You Can Expect in Pricing with Done For You Services From Downstage Media


Why Does the StoryBrand Marketing Livestream Cost What It Does?