StoryBrand for Content Marketing: Using Frameworks to Improve Blog Posts, Social Media Posts, and Email Campaigns

StoryBrand for Content Marketing: Using Frameworks to Improve Blog Posts, Social Media Posts, and Email Campaigns

Discover how the StoryBrand framework can transform your content marketing strategy from chaotic to cohesive. By applying StoryBrand across your emails, social media, and website, you’ll create messaging that resonates with your audience, increases engagement, and drives real results. Learn why this proven approach can make your marketing easier and more effective—and how Annie Schiffmann can guide you every step of the way.

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Can the PAGER zine make your marketing so *beep*ing good?

Can the PAGER zine make your marketing so *beep*ing good?

Our email inboxes and social media feeds are overloaded with marketing advice. It’s easy to tune it all out. But small adjustments to your content marketing strategy can make a big difference in your results. In this blog post, you’ll learn about Downstage Media’s PAGER zine and how you can get practical, tactical ideas sent straight to your door.

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How do I use MeetEdgar with the PAGER method for social media?

How do I use MeetEdgar with the PAGER method for social media?

Business owners hate how much time social media eats up in their day-to-day operations. Automating content - versus simply scheduling it - frees up hours every week. At Downstage Media, our favorite tool for scheduling and automating content is MeetEdgar. Let’s break down specifically how we use it with the PAGER method for our clients, so you can figure out if it’s the right tool for you.

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How can I build up to posting on social media 5 times a week?

How can I build up to posting on social media 5 times a week?

If you had a goal of going to the gym regularly, you wouldn’t start by going seven times a week. Or, if you did, you probably wouldn’t be able to keep that up for long. Posting on social media is the same way. In this blog post, you’ll learn a sustainable way to post 4-5 times a week. By gradually building up to this pace you’ll be able to keep up with both your social media marketing and everything else you have to do in your business.

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Stress-Free Social with the Simplify Your Social Media Webinar
PAGER Method, Social Media Strategy Annie Figenshu PAGER Method, Social Media Strategy Annie Figenshu

Stress-Free Social with the Simplify Your Social Media Webinar

So many people are paralyzed by what they should put on social media that they don’t put anything at all. “I hate social media” they tell me after I give keynotes. Here you’ll find out how by employing the concepts covered in the Simplify Your Social Webinar you can have a social media presence without the social media pressure.

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Why A Sales Funnel is Just the First Step

Why A Sales Funnel is Just the First Step

You're kind of annoyed because now that you have your messaging in place people aren't showing up in droves. I've got good news for you - nothing is wrong. This is actually when the marketing work begins. You built your house with your messaging. Now you've got to invite people in with your marketing. Here are the fundamentals that all marketers know that will bring in and nurture new audience members.

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Curate Content and Reclaim Your Time

Curate Content and Reclaim Your Time

Creating social media content on your social media channels can be very time consuming. But if you don't have regular content going out in your feeds, you could lose audience. Learn what curated content is, the benefits of using it, and how to find the best sources for your needs. You'll be able to reclaim time you previously spent creating content - time you can now spend on more important things.

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Distributing Blogs, Podcasts, and Videos on Social Media With the PAGER Method
Social Media Strategy, PAGER Method Annie Figenshu Social Media Strategy, PAGER Method Annie Figenshu

Distributing Blogs, Podcasts, and Videos on Social Media With the PAGER Method

When you’re putting out a big piece of content each week: a podcast episode, blog post, or YouTube video, you can feel pretty distressed having to distribute it on social media. But if you don’t, no one will know about this content you work so hard to create! How do you make the most of your long form pieces? Learn how to distribute them with the PAGER Method so you always have your freshest content in your content mix.

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Promoting Events, Sales, and More on Social Media
Social Media Strategy, PAGER Method Annie Figenshu Social Media Strategy, PAGER Method Annie Figenshu

Promoting Events, Sales, and More on Social Media

So many people are torn when it comes to social media. They want it to drive their business goals, but they don't want to seem spammy. If they go too far in one direction, they're investing a lot of time without a great return. If they go too far in the other, their audience (and the algorithms) will get turned off. Here you'll learn how to promote your company on social media without turning your feed into an annoying billboard.

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Using StoryBrand for Social Media

Using StoryBrand for Social Media

It’s not always clear how you can use StoryBrand on your social media. Much of the StoryBrand Framework is based around using marketing to increase sales - but social media is different than a website. And no one wants to turn their social media channels into a spammy billboard. Here you’ll learn a StoryBrand-inspired formula for writing copy on your social media posts, as well as different ways to use existing assets in your marketing - lead generators, BrandScripts, and more - in a way that works on social media.

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4 Social Media Marketing Problems with 1 Solution

4 Social Media Marketing Problems with 1 Solution

Social media marketing is constantly putting obstacles in front of brands. It is hard to navigate. but it’s vital for your brand to have a presence on at least a couple of platforms. The PAGER method solves four main issues that brands face with social media marketing so that you can get help your bottom line while at the same time build a community of fans.

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How do I Get Started With the PAGER method?
Social Media Strategy, PAGER Method Annie Figenshu Social Media Strategy, PAGER Method Annie Figenshu

How do I Get Started With the PAGER method?

Changing the way that you create, schedule, and automate your social media content can be tricky - it may seem like a lot of work to set up a new system, until you start to realize the time that you get back every day that you don’t have to think about posting.

Here you’ll find a list of what you need to get started incorporating the PAGER Model for your social media marketing: what stuff you need to have handy, recommended apps, and free downloads that will make setting up this system faster and easier.

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What is General Content for the PAGER Method and How to Make It
Social Media Strategy, PAGER Method Annie Figenshu Social Media Strategy, PAGER Method Annie Figenshu

What is General Content for the PAGER Method and How to Make It

General Content is the “G” of the PAGER method, and it can be the most confusing because it’s the most vague category. But these are the posts that show your audience that you understand who they are and you know how to solve their problems. Read on to understand what these posts are, see them in action, and learn how to implement them into your content mix so you can turn your audience into your community.

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What is Engagement Content for the PAGER Method With Examples
Social Media Strategy, PAGER Method Annie Figenshu Social Media Strategy, PAGER Method Annie Figenshu

What is Engagement Content for the PAGER Method With Examples

The “E” of the PAGER model for social media strategy is Engagement, and it can be tricky to make since they’re the most unusual posts. But these are the posts that help build your relationship with your audience because you are asking them for their opinion. And if there’s anything social media has taught us it’s how to express our opinion. Let’s break down what Engagement posts are, the various forms they can take, and how to include them as part of your overall social media strategy.

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What is the PAGER Method? The Social Media Strategy Explained
Social Media Strategy, PAGER Method Annie Figenshu Social Media Strategy, PAGER Method Annie Figenshu

What is the PAGER Method? The Social Media Strategy Explained

It’s time to simplify social media for small businesses and brands. The PAGER Method is a social media strategy that you can easily use on any platform and in any niche. You’ll know what to create, ensure that your content isn’t too salesy, and still promote the events and initiatives that your business needs to survive. Here, get an overview of Downstage Media’s own content method with examples.

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How Do I Create Social Media Content from Blog Posts Using the PAGER Method?
Social Media Strategy, PAGER Method Annie Figenshu Social Media Strategy, PAGER Method Annie Figenshu

How Do I Create Social Media Content from Blog Posts Using the PAGER Method?

When you are short on resources for creating social media content, you need to make the most out of what you do publish. Learn how to mine your existing blog posts for ideas you can repurpose throughout your social media channels. This social media strategy builds relationships with your audience by giving them what they want: great tips right in their feeds. Especially helpful for anyone using Downstage Media’s PAGER Method.

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3 Simple Tasks to Do Every Day on LinkedIn
Social Media Strategy Annie Figenshu Social Media Strategy Annie Figenshu

3 Simple Tasks to Do Every Day on LinkedIn

You know that fresh content on LinkedIn is important, but sometimes you just don’t have to time to create, schedule, and automate it. Sometimes you have to post on the fly. Here you’ll learn three simple tasks to do every day that not only includes great content, it also gets your brand in front of other people’s audiences, and nurtures relationships with your connections.

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What is Promotional Content and How to Make It
Social Media Strategy, PAGER Method Annie Figenshu Social Media Strategy, PAGER Method Annie Figenshu

What is Promotional Content and How to Make It

If you don’t post on social media about your promotions, initiatives, or events your audience won’t know what you have going on business-wise. So you can start to question whether all of the time that you spend posting is worthwhile at all. Here you’ll learn a simple system to create posts that will help you reach your business goals without making your account seem like a salesy billboard.

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