How can I build up to posting on social media 5 times a week?
If you had a goal of going to the gym regularly, you wouldn’t start by going seven times a week. Or, if you did, you probably wouldn’t be able to keep that up for long. Posting on social media is the same way. In this blog post, you’ll learn a sustainable way to post 4-5 times a week. By gradually building up to this pace you’ll be able to keep up with both your social media marketing and everything else you have to do in your business.
What 3 marketing steps are designed to build customer relationships?
Building customer relationships. Growing audience. Growing customer relationships. Building audience. That’s the marketing mantra for many companies. If you’re not building relationships with your current customers, you are always on the lookout for new ones. And if you’re always on the lookout for new customers, you are missing out on opportunities to keep your customers coming back to you.
Let’s break down the final stage of the 3-Stage Marketing Strategy. Here we’ll discuss ongoing content and sales so that you know what to focus on in your marketing in order to build relationships and grow audiences. Or, is it the other way around?
How can I make the most of Coach Builder Summit? 5 insider tips!
Some online summits are a little… thin with speakers pitching more than presenting. It’s hard to know if the Coach Builder Summit is going to be worth carving out two days of your schedule for. Let’s go through what Coach Builder Summit is, plus give you 5 insider tips you may not have considered. When you see more info about it cross your desk, you'll be confident that you thought through your decision.
Blowing Out Your Goals, One Step at a Time
It can hurt to not hit your goals. But not making them can be worse for your business to grow. In this blog post, you’ll learn how I went about increasing 2023 revenue 175% from 2022. And the ways that I took my time to take Downstage Media to the next level.
No Click Content and the PAGER Method
You’ve heard that social media posts with links in them don’t get in front of as many people. So what can you do? Read this blog post for step-by-step instructions on how to make no click content with the PAGER method so your reach doesn’t get throttled.
What Do I Do With All These Books?
Simple Social Media is available for pre-sale and you are thinking of getting a copy for yourself. Something weird is going on, though, on the website it says that you can buy them in bulk - in groups from ten to two hundred. Now why in the world would you need that many copies of one book? Here you’ll learn why multiple copies will benefit you and your business.
Why Simple Social Media Won't Be Available on Amazon - At First
Get the scoop on why the book Simple Social Media won’t be available on Amazon at first, what to expect when it does become available, and why that is good for you! Learn how SMBs will benefit from this new marketing resource!
Optimize October: 7 Ways to Freshen Up Your Social Media Accounts
October is a great time to give your social media presence a fresh boost and optimize your content for maximum results. A refresh may be just what’s needed to boost your visibility and stand out amongst the crowd. With these updates, you can effectively showcase your brand's story, captivate visitors, and grow your business. In this blog post, we'll explore seven key areas to focus on for “Optimize October.”
What 3 marketing steps will save time but still grow my audience?
Learn how to grow your audience without the headache - discover the three simple steps that make marketing easier and faster. Discover why a clear message on your website, lead generator, and email sales sequence are key components of any successful strategy.
Building a Solid Marketing Foundation: Why Messaging, One-Liners, and Brand Playbooks Matter
Every makeup kit needs a good foundation and so does every marketing strategy. Stage 1 of the 3-Stage Marketing Strategy is all about the foundation your brand needs to put its best face forward. Learn the initial steps to take for lasting, sustainable success.
Overwhelmed by Marketing? Use This 3-Stage Strategy to Drive Results Fast
When you’re running your own marketing, it’s hard to know where to focus first. Making a haphazard choice can set you back months - and thousands of dollars. In this blog post, you’ll learn the three key stages every successful marketing strategy needs - from foundational elements to automated systems to ongoing content. With these in place you will reach new audiences and foster engagement with old ones. All without having to worry if you’re putting your efforts in the wrong place.
Ready, Set, Read! Start Your Summer With Professional & Personal Growth
You don’t want to be taking some time off in the summer without a good read. And you don’t want the summer to go by without working on yourself just a little bit. Here you’ll learn which personal and professional development books are going in mine and Ali J. Taylor’s beach bags. Squeeze one of these into your reading line up and end the summer better prepared for when things kick in this fall.
9 Questions with Annie Schiffmann by Nine Dots Media
Nine answers to nine questions about the work I do, who I work with, what I create, and why my favorite animated character rules. You'll find out how my improv backgrounds informs my approach to my work, and why I believe automations are so vital right now. Thanks to Geoffrey Klein from Nine Dots Media for having me on LinkedInsights.
A Day in YOUR Life
You know showing your social media audience a day in your life builds credibility. The problem is, getting it set up seems like a chore. And you have enough of those. A group of social media experts is making it easy to document your world on June 2nd. You'll have just what you need to shine a light on the most important person in your feed - you!
20 Takeaways from the 2023 Creator Economy Expo
Creator Economy Expo is a conference designed for content entrepreneurs who are building audiences - and businesses - via podcasts, blogs, newsletters, and social media. This year’s event was full of aha moments and takeaways. In this blog post, I’ve distilled twenty of those moments down for you so you can make the most out of what you’re publishing.
Fly Far and Fast with Small Business Flight School
Owning a small business is often compared to throwing yourself off a cliff and building an airplane on the way down. Guest contributor Ali J. Taylor discusses his new program so small business owners get the support they need to maximize what's working and fix what isn’t.
6 Strategies to Maximize Affiliate Links
If you’ve signed up for an affiliate program, you want to make it work for your business. In this post, you’ll learn how to can create a few marketing assets to put on autopilot so that you can perpetually drive revenue.
Stress-Free Social with the Simplify Your Social Media Webinar
So many people are paralyzed by what they should put on social media that they don’t put anything at all. “I hate social media” they tell me after I give keynotes. Here you’ll find out how by employing the concepts covered in the Simplify Your Social Webinar you can have a social media presence without the social media pressure.
NEW! Downstage Media Certified in Mailchimp Automation
Are you time-strapped, looking for help with your email marketing campaigns? Look no further – Downstage Media has gained another certification with Mailchimp - Automation. Learn about Annie Schiffmann's Mailchimp certifications and see how they can help you free up valuable time and make email marketing easier!
Using AI to Save Time Creating Content
AI is revolutionizing how we tackle our daily tasks, like creating posts for social media and emails. This blog post will teach you to leverage the power of Artificial Intelligence so that you can spend less time worrying about hitting publish - freeing up more space in your day to focus doing work that energizes and inspires you!